Party time! Here Are Some Tips to Help You Arrange Your Table and Chair Rentals

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Party time! Here Are Some Tips to Help You Arrange Your Table and Chair Rentals The most essential pieces of any party are the tables and chairs. Yet, they are often taken for granted. People worry so much about how much food and wine they have, that they forget to provide a comfortable place for their guests to enjoy the food. You probably understand the importance of table and chair rentals in Hawaii. We have some tips to help you choose the right number of tables and chairs and arrange them to maximize their effect.

Little is More

When renting tables and chairs, one of the most important considerations is where all of them will be placed. It is important to think about the space available for your event. To determine how many tables you can accommodate, take measurements and draw a rough sketch. Round tables are not the best for narrow spaces. They will close off the space and take up too much floor space. Think about placing longer, slimmer tables around the room's perimeter.

Follow the Flow

Parties are meant to be social, so it is not a good idea to block people from engaging in that activity. Your guests will find it difficult to move around if there are too many tables or chairs. You should consider how your guests will move around the event space. A map of your space will help you determine how your guests will navigate it. Avoid weaving too much through narrow spaces. This will result in your guests spilling their drinks or food all over the place and bumping into things. If you are going to have a bar or dance floor consider placing the bar and dance floor in front of or behind the event space, with food and drinks along one side. The tables should be scattered around the center. Make sure you have an escape route to the bathroom and emergency rooms.

You Don't Have Time to Cram

One common error made by rookie party planners is to put too many people at each of the tables to save money. Although you may think that a little more money in your pocket will be worth the discomfort your guests experience, it won't. Most people don't have the patience to endure discomfort and it would quickly ruin an otherwise enjoyable event. Set up three tables and have your friends help you with some of the event movement. If your friends are arguing and squabbling, you can move the place settings farther apart and measure that distance. This will allow you to determine how many people can comfortably sit at each table. Event success is directly related to the quality of setup and presentation. However, A&B Party Rentals has a wide selection of high-quality party products and tables and chairs for rent in Hawaii. Contact us and we can help you with your next big event!